November 13, 2009

Fall at Redeux

The time has come…or is at least very close. Work at the Redeux Garage has become very sporadic lately due to the weather. Paints, glues, varnishes and stains just don’t like the chilly temps and have become a bit sluggish and unpredictable. But, not to worry.

As I mentioned a while back, work will soon begin commencing in the house. So, you may not see the garage doors open and me working inside as often as before. However, this is what we’ll do and see how it works out: I’ll try to have all pieces of furniture photographed and posted on the web site or sent out via this Blog. Whenever possible the doors to the Redeux Garage will be open. If I’m not out there working away just ring the doorbell. When the weather is really cold or inclement the doors may be closed but if you’d like to see something either call ahead (203-414-1727) or come to the door. This arrangement is only for you that have stopped by before. At some point, right after the first of the year, all the pieces will be taken inside and you’ll be able to browse, have a cup of tea by the fire and chat while I am working on something in our lower level. Again, just call or look for the sign to know I’m working away on some new and interesting treasure. Also, many of you have stopped by after work. With darkness now coming before 5:00 P.M. it is difficult to work in the garage. So, look for the sign in front of the well-lit Redeux Garage to see if we’re around; usually Tuesday thru Friday 1:00 until 5:30 and Saturdays 9:00 until 3:00 is a safe bet. Call me to ensure we don’t miss one another (203-414-1727).

Speaking of interesting treasures, the birdseye maple chest has been finished. When it was first found the top was badly damaged from liquids with alcohol (perfume, after shaves, etc.) and some drawer pulls were missing. Well, the top has been stripped, re-stained and given a hand-rubbed oil finish. I used this technique in order to minimize the chances of the same type of damage happening again. The drawers have been refitted with great looking pulls while keeping the original backing plates. The remainder of the chest has been refurbished as well and the birdseye graining of the top and the tiger stripe maple front and sides make this a very attractive piece.

The old oak chest that has been sitting in the front of the garage for some time has been stripped and the drawers re-glued. It will be given a coat of light to medium stain and then my favorite hand rubbed oil finish. Working with the oil finish continues to be my favorite final coat. It has low luster, shows the wood grains beautifully, and actually gives strength to the wood fibers when it soaks in and hardens and is fairly low maintenance. And, it is very traditional. Stop by and see this beauty.
The tall chiffarobe is getting more prepping but will be ready for the Redeux Spa soon. This piece will probably be painted the same deep red as the chest but may have a few special highlights added. Together, they would make a great looking bedroom set!
A new piece just arrived and will be given the fast track to the spa because it is such a great find. Made of oak, this approximately 1890 – 1920 era chest with a large tilting mirror would be a great hall or bedroom piece. I’ll post pics asap but feel free to stop by beforehand. There is also a nice little serving cart that I plan to have ready before long. It needs to be refinished so some of the final finishing may take place inside.

Finally, if you are looking for something special let me know. For the coming few months I will be concentrating on finding “special requests” and more unique, more compact pieces. Also, if you have a piece of furniture you no longer need, give me a call. There are a few of you that I need to arrange meeting with.

Thanks again to all of you.


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